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Wow this is amazing. Thank you for sharing this invaluable tool. Question: for Daily Profit Target and Daily Loss Threshold, does that factor in comissions too?

Glad you liked it, hopefully it helps you out!

to answer your question, yes it does for both. it calculates the total daily  PNL (realized + unrealized)

(3 edits)

Thank you! Another question for you: for the max loss per trade -- if you hit that, does it lock you out until the next session, or for just that trade only?

Update:  I just tested it out on a sim account and it only gets you out of the current trade, which is great.

Yeah, sorry for the delay, for some reason i only just now got the message on my email.

There are daily thresholds and per trade thresholds basically.

On future updates I'll make sure to make it more understandable, but for now you could see the main page feature list if it helps.

Thanks for the coffee again!

I made a profile and assigned it to all accounts, all worked fine. Wanted to delete the profile from one specific account and it doesnt change. It remains active. I deleted the profile and now all the accounts still show the deleted profile as active. Its working as though the profile is still there. Seems like there is no way to remove an account status and not have a profile once a profile has been assigned. Please advise.


Please read the instructions of features on the main page to understand everything better.

For convenience, once you assign a profile it cannot be removed from that account for the rest of the trading day, once the new trading day has started whatever is assigned into the "Tommorow's Profile" field would be the new profile.

The "Reset" and "Reset All" buttons are meant for resetting tommorow's profile only.

so to summarize, a profile assigned to an account cannot be changed for the same trading day.

also check out the new rollover feature in the settings menu, it lets you decide when the next daily reset occurs.



I'm testing the tool and it really works well. It's very useful and accurate. It will help me on the days when my emotions don't support me and try to betray me. I don't have many days like that, but it's better to be safe and have a tool that can prevent these days.

Thank you very much!

I'm glad it works well for you! 
happy trading and good luck!


(1 edit)

First of all, thank you very much for creating such an amazing tool.
It is the best tool for complementing my weaknesses.

I wanted to test extreme situations, so I quickly pressed buy and sell as soon as I launched NinjaTrader. I discovered that in some cases, the order is executed. However, in such instances, there is no way to cancel the contract.

To address this, I would appreciate it if you could add a forced shutdown or a permanent close button as a solution.

Once again, thank you for developing such a great tool!
I sent you some coffee money for a happy day!

Thank you for the kind words and testing out the addon.

I would appreciate it if you could send me some logs so I can take a closer look at the situation you mentioned.

Please email me at and I will instruct you further on where to get the logs from!


(1 edit)

Hello I would like to know if the Daily Loss Threshold is fixed or does it follow the gain we make?

Let me explain, if I set a daily loss at 300 USD,  I gain 500USD.  Will my Daily loss Threshold be still at -300USD or does it moved to +200USD (500 new balance-300 daily stop)

Also referring the message below, you mentioned, you didn't do all test on tradovate but is rithmic fully operational?

Thank you 

Hello afflammarenc,

Thanks for reaching out!

Please note that the daily loss threshold is independent of any gains. For example, if your daily loss threshold is set at -300 USD and you realize a gain of 500 USD, the threshold will only be activated if subsequent losses of 800 USD reduce your net account Total PNL for that day to -300 USD. Once reached, the threshold will trigger an exit of all orders and positions associated with that account and will block further trading until the next trading day.

Regarding the subsequent message, I intended to clarify that this add-on was not developed for the Tradovate browser; it was created exclusively for NinjaTrader. It will only operate on Tradovate if the user maintains an active NinjaTrader session connected to the Tradovate account. I have not tested it with Rithmic; however, if you connect your Rithmic account through NinjaTrader and trade using its (NinjaTrader's) interface, the add-on should function as intended.

What you suggest sounds to me like a drawdown or just a flat loss, not a total account daily PNL loss.

I might implement something like that in the future if it seems like something the community wants for sure!
Let me know if that's something you're interested in and i will put it in my TODO list.


thank you very much for the answer 

If you can add it to your todo list. It would be really great 

I think it would be a high value feature. 

This sounds like a great addition to the already wonderful tool, Thank you for creating this!

Thank you!
Its been added to the TODO list! follow here on itch to get updates on the program and see the dev log.

Another possibility is the messaging system in the addon itself in which i will promote the new updates in the future.

One more thing I noticed is when you use a hot key market entry for example it bypasses the block enters in an order and the stop loss and take profit disappears but then does not allow you to close the position. I always test on a sim but as you can imagine this could be quite bad. If you could add the block to the hot key entries that would be best but if you could add a hard close button that would also be good. As long as you can get out of a position that was in error. Thanks for all your work, and despite this still a great tool!   

This also seems to be the case for hot key market buys/sells, when daily profit target is hit it deletes the ATM brackets and locks you out because the threshold was met but doesn't close the position at daily profit target. You can hit close and it will close the position but if it was a yoink down and back up you loose some of the profits and get locked out. 

Hi alex
thanks for the comments.

I'll look into everything and try and find a solution for this.

I am trading with a TopStep Tradovate account. Would you know if this script would work for my setup and if not,  can I pay you to configure it for that?

Alternatively, would you know if the scrips would work with a TopStep-NinjaTrader account?

Thank you,


Hi Ed,

Thanks for reaching out!

RiskMaster was specifically developed for NinjaTrader and not directly for Tradovate. I did perform some preliminary testing with Tradovate accounts connected via NinjaTrader, and the addon partially worked, though I haven't conducted extensive tests to fully confirm all functionalities.

To achieve partial compatibility, you'd need to connect your Tradovate account through NinjaTrader and make sure that Ninjatrader stays open and connected to Tradovate while trading. When you trade through Tradovate's browser interface, the data routes through NinjaTrader, allowing RiskMaster to intercept and manage trades. However, there is a limitation: because the orders don't originate directly within NinjaTrader's UI, RiskMaster can only perform checks after positions are already entered. This means if you exceed set limits (like trading more contracts than allowed), RiskMaster would immediately close your position after entry, causing you to incur entry and exit fees, although it would still enforce your set rules.

Regarding customizing the addon for Tradovate directly: I previously noted this idea as a feature request. However, my current schedule is quite full, and since this involves significant development outside NinjaTrader (or potentially intercepting orders directly within Tradovate's UI), I can't promise implementation anytime soon.

As for your second question, could you clarify what you mean by "scripts working with a TopStep NinjaTrader account"?

If you're referring to using NinjaTrader directly, then RiskMaster fully supports various account types, including TopStep, Apex, Simulation, and NinjaTrader accounts. You just need to create a RiskMaster profile and assign it to your specific account.

Feel free to ask if you have any other questions!

Best, Aviram